Musk Planuje Dyskusję z Niemieckim Liderem Skrajnej Prawicy w Sprawie X: Kontrowersje wokół Interwencji Wyborczej – MDC

Musk Planuje Dyskusję z Niemieckim Liderem Skrajnej Prawicy w Sprawie X: Kontrowersje wokół Interwencji Wyborczej

Elon Musk, the visionary tech magnate, has caused quite a stir in Germany’s political landscape with his recent endorsements of the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) party. Accusations of election interference have been hurled at Musk, prompting him to propose a live conversation with Alice Weidel, the AfD’s chancellor candidate. This move has sparked outrage among mainstream political leaders in Germany and has raised concerns about the potential impact of Musk’s support on the upcoming emergency election scheduled for February 23.


In a bold move, Musk has expressed his support for the AfD in an online post and an opinion piece published in the Welt am Sonntag newspaper. Referring to the party as the “last spark of hope” for Germany, Musk’s endorsement has divided public opinion and drawn sharp criticism from opponents. Daniel Tapp, a spokesperson for the AfD leader Weidel, has confirmed that Musk is gearing up for a live conversation with Weidel on his platform X. The discussion, which will be an audio livestream, is expected to take place soon, although no official date has been set yet.

The response to Musk’s engagement with the AfD has been met with concern and skepticism by German political leaders. Allegations of election interference have been raised, with some suggesting that Musk’s close ties to US President-elect Donald Trump may have influenced his actions. Rolf Mützenich, a prominent politician from the Social Democratic Party, has called for an investigation into whether Musk’s endorsements were made in collaboration with the incoming US administration.

The German government has also weighed in on the matter, accusing Musk of attempting to influence the federal election. Despite the backlash, Musk remains undeterred in his support for the AfD, leaving many wondering about the potential impact of his endorsements on the upcoming election. With the AfD currently polling at 19 percent, in second place behind the Christian Democratic Union, led by Friedrich Merz, the dynamics of the election could be significantly influenced by Musk’s involvement.

Musk’s endorsement of the AfD has raised questions about potential collaborations between Trump and Germany’s future conservative-led government. Considering Trump’s contentious relationship with Germany and former Chancellor Angela Merkel during his presidency, Musk’s support for the AfD could have far-reaching implications on the geopolitical landscape.

This is not the first time Musk has engaged in controversial discussions with political figures. In a previous live conversation with Trump on his platform X, Musk faced technical difficulties that marred the conversation and caused embarrassment for the platform. Despite the challenges, Musk remains committed to engaging in open dialogues with political leaders and influencers on his platform.

As the date of the emergency election in Germany draws near, all eyes will be on Musk and his conversation with the AfD’s chancellor candidate. The outcome of this discussion could have a significant impact on the political landscape in Germany and beyond. Will Musk’s endorsements sway public opinion in favor of the AfD, or will they be met with resistance and scrutiny? Only time will tell the full extent of Musk’s influence on the upcoming election and its implications for the future of German politics.

Picture of Anna Kowalska
Anna Kowalska

Redaktor w MDC od 2024 roku.


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